mercoledì 11 maggio 2016


Prima di presentare il secondo appuntamento del ciclo Natura a schermo intero , salutiamo e ringraziamo tutti coloro, pubblico, regista e relatori, che hanno partecipato alla serata di apertura della rassegna cinematografica.

Grazie di cuore anche alle aziende biologiche che hanno offerto i loro prodotti per il buffet: 

- Azienda Biodinamica Castello di Tassarolo - Vini Bio e Senza Solfiti - Località Alborina 1 - TASSAROLO

- Azienda Agr. Maria Teresa Ravera - Formaggi e yogurt di capra  - via Vocemola 91 Arquata Scrivia; punto vendita piazza del Municipio 9 Arquata Scrivia

- Apiari degli Speziali  - Miele biologico - Strada Tassarolo 22 - Cascina Misericordia - 15067 Novi Ligure

Intanto, ci stiamo preparando  per la seconda proiezione prevista per venerdi' 20 maggio ore 21: la serata farà parte di uno dei 370 eventi organizzati in oltre 60 paesi nel mondo per celebrare il


che si pone l'obiettivo di sensibilizzare e informare in merito alla salute dei nostri corsi d'acqua e all'importanza dei fiumi liberi per la migrazione dei pesci.


DamNation di Ben Knight, Matt Stoecker e Travis Rummel, prodotto da Patagonia, racconta il progetto di smantellamento di dighe dismesse o pericolose negli USA e la conseguente rinascita dei fiumi. Il documentario sarà presentato da Aldo Orlando di Quota Zero e sarà preceduto da una relazione di Andrea Mandarino dal titolo "Ecosistemi a pezzi: Uno sguardo d'insieme sui pesci delle acque interne, sulle loro minacce e sulla loro tutela" .

Ricordiamo che la proiezione inizierà alle ore 21 e che l'entrata è libera.

Ci sarà la possibilità di degustare alcuni prodotti dell'agricoltura biologica locale accompagnati dai vini della

Azienda Biodinamica Castello di Tassarolo -
Vini Bio e Senza Solfiti -
Località Alborina 1 - TASSAROLO

World Fish Migration Day

WFMD 2016 Newsletter

We've reached a new milestone of 350 events

Dear Colleagues,

We have only 2 weeks left and this is really booming: 353 events in this moment in 60 countries!! Thanks to all of you who are making this possible, for raising awareness in your region on the great importance of having free flowing rivers, healthy rivers and migratory fish. We applaud you for sharing your time and knowledge with other people. This is truly special, a huge thanks to all of you.
In just two weeks we have welcomed 50 more events and 9 more countries! We would like to send a warm welcome all of them!
World Fish Migration Day
We would also like to give a big welcome to our 53 latest participants from these last two weeks. We have received 53 new participants in the last two weeks. Welcome aboard to WFMD2016! 😀
It is hard to choose 4 or 5 events to highlight in each newsletter, because, believe it or not, we love all events. Even though events are very different from each other, some small, some big, some strange, some simple... it really doesn't matter, because the amazing thing is that all of them have the same goal, to reach citizens to raise awareness and explain the problem we are causing to migratory fish and healthy rivers. It is just breathtaking to think about how many thousands of people we will be reaching, thanks to all of your efforts.

I encourage you to start getting the word out about your event. Local press releases, promotional material, social media invitations etc. More people that know about your event, will mean more visitors. You can go to our Promo Material where you will find high quality WFMD products to download for free and a guide to help you with your communication and event planning (participants starter kit).

Here I give you another tiny selection of events happening during WFMD2016:

  • Lightshow in the middle of Basel City (Switzerland)
  • Re-opening of an improved fishway in Høyegga (Norway) and fishway opening in Kruger Park (South Africa)
  • University of Antioquia (Colombia) will celebrate in their university campus during two days various activities (photographic exhibition, exhibition of Museum specimens, animation video, Scientific posters exhibition, folklore music related with fish migration, lectures and children activities) to show the Colombian migratory fish species.
  • Historical meeting in Pärnu Estonia open to the public where Minister of Environment of Estonia, the Major of Pärnu and others from different organizations will discuss the "battle" against Sindi Dam which started 15 years ago and the great importance of having open rivers to preserve their native fish species.
World Fish Migration Day
In addition, we would like to let you know that in our "News" section this week you will find a the "fish story" from the Dutch model Sarah Warnaar:

You will hear from us in a week again with the latest news!

Have a wonderful weekend and lots of luck to our participants with your event preparations!

On behalf of the WFMD Team,

Best regards,

Pao Fernández Garrido
World Fish Migration Foundation

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